Does this situation feel familiar?
“I feel like I’ve been promoted beyond capacity, feel overwhelmed… I’m excited, but frustrated with slowness of change. I’m in a new organisation and I need to realign, refocus and make important strategic decisions for the business that will affect it over the next 3-5 years.
I have to be seen to drive change and transformation that leads to long-term growth while facing into the challenges of being stuck in the past; proud of my heritage but understanding limitations. I need to motivate and energise my long-term employees as well as my new employees who have different needs. Creating cohesion, collaboration and focus across multiple geographies, disciplines and cultures, is a daunting challenge and also needs to be sustainable. Understanding the individuals and the team as well as business objectives and motivations is key and I do not know where to start.
I am so busy, I do not have time to think about strategy. I and the team are so busy getting things done and I know we are probably working in silos, not being very efficient and not talking to each other as much as we could, but we don’t have time to stop and think."
The purpose of 'Xccelerate Strategy' is to bring together people, data and experience into a clear and concise Strategy on a Page; a single page that shows your key strategic drivers. This can be a Corporate / Company strategy, or a Departmental / Functional strategy. Examples are Marketing, Sales, Digital, Innovation, Supply, Finance, People; Organisational design and structure. The process works ‘Above and Below the Waterline’ and enables clear choices to be made.
From this point, creating a comprehensive plan to deploy this strategy is critical and culminates in team and individual 100 day plans which, include both business and personal development and growth.
We do this by using a structured process over a period of 6 months to a year that up-skills, focuses and navigates the team and broader teams through the successful deployment of strategy.