Xccelerate your year!

Xccelerate your year!

Now that the dust has settled and January has passed, Why is it now more important than any other time of the year, to "Slow Down to Speed Up” 


Setting yourself up for success in 2017

The new year typically starts with a bang, but in reality our energy and focus can be all over the place, and instead we may feel overwhelmed and unable to prioritise.  To get ahead of the game and take control of setting your own course and direction - and ensure you get your desired impact, here are some key steps to create a powerful plan for the year using a total system approach: 


Business System

  1. Know the first rule of navigation: not where you are going, but where you are; what is most important to you and your stakeholders to deliver in 2017?  List these areas of focus. Why it's important to them and you, business-wise, also personally if applicable.
  2. Create clear statements on these focus areas, outlining where you are now (From) and where you want to be by the end of the year (To). The clearer and more specific you can be on the articulation for the transformation you want to achieve, the more likely you are to be able to achieve it.
  3. For each transformation, clearly define the right set of actions and measures to get you there. Really think what success means - what it looks like, feels like, sounds like…using all the senses. By clearly articulating and contracting what you will deliver, you and your stakeholders will know when you have been successful.
  4. Contract your focus areas, the transformations you want to drive and how you will measure success with your key stakeholders to get them aligned, agreed and committed to supporting your journey.


Human System

  1. Look at your personal development, which you yourself own and lead - how does your mindset and motivation need to be different this year versus last year, and how are you going to stay motivated and focussed (and keep others motivated and focussed) throughout the year? Again, really think about the From / To transformations you want to drive and what you need to focus on to get there. It is important to focus not just on What you want to achieve but How you are going to achieve it. It is the How that can really be the difference that makes the difference in achieving your outcomes. Think mindset, skills, capabilities and behaviours.
  2. Challenge yourself to do some “More of, Less of” thinking, using meta questions to really pressure test your focus areas. 
    • More of this type of work.
    • More of these types of conversations.
    • More of these types of meetings.
    • More time with these types of people.
    • More of these types of emotions.
    • Less of this type of work.
    • Less of these types of conversations.
    • Less of these types of meetings.
    • Less time with these types of people,
    • Less of these types of emotions. 


Remember to slow down is to speed up. Good goal setting, leads to good goal getting.


Xccelerate Objective Planning Tools

  • Business Strategy on a Page
  • Personal Individual Business Objectives


Suggested Reading

“Your First 100 days: How to make maximum impact in your leadership” by Niamh O’Keeffe.



Contact us now to receive your Xccelerate Tools for your year!